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Heartbreak Can Be A Gift

"Sometimes sorrow is the door to peace

Sometimes heartache is the gift I need

You're faithful, faithful

In all things

In every high, in every low

On mountaintops, down broken roads

You're still my rock, my hope remains

I'll rest in the arms of Jesus

Come what may

Come what may

There is deep joy that You give to me

Where hurt meets the healing is a holy thing

I see goodness, Your goodness

In all things

In every high, in every low

On mountaintops, down broken roads

You're still my rock, my hope remains

I'll rest in the arms of Jesus

Come what may

Come what may

Come what may

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want

He makes me lie down in green pastures

The Lord is my shepherd, leads me to still waters

And He restores my soul"

Song: Come What May by We Are Messengers

Heartbreak is some of the worst pain. I would probably rather break a leg.

When you give your heart over to someone who then throws it away like garbage and walks away, it feels like a death. But with Jesus, the true lover of your soul, the darkness of heartbreak has no chance to linger long. He reaches His gentle hand out to us and places it lovingly on our shoulder. He cries with us. Our heartache makes His heart ache too. He will never leave us. We cannot say the same about anyone else on this green planet.

When we see someone cry, do we not also feel sad for their sadness? We want to share in their mourning with them, so they won't be alone. So they might feel at least a small ounce better. Just having someone next to you in loving silence while you cry can be such a balm for the soul. Jesus does this for us, friends. He is so faithful.

I recently experienced a rather crushing heartbreak, partly because of my own lack of discernment and discretion. But the heartbreak produced a miracle...

It led me to peace. It led me to the feet of Jesus after I had been drifting from Him for months. And He was right there to comfort me. To remind me that I am still and always His beloved and He is mine. What amazing grace.

Anything that leads us to Jesus, no matter how grievous or difficult, is a blessing because He is most surely the most faithful constant we will ever have in this life and eternal life to come. Look up, child. He will pull you out of the mire. When you look to His kind, loving heart, the heartache will fade into the background and healing begins. He longs for us to keep Him #1 in our hearts. When we do this, the crush of heartbreak creates new wine.

As I learn lessons from my heartbreak, I am so very grateful to God for what He is doing. When things don't go the way we hoped or expected, we must remain hopeful and confident in the good plans God has ordained for us. Trusting Him is a sure sign that we love Him. But only when we first see that He very truly loves us first.

Sweet friend who is experiencing heartache right now, you are loved.

You will always and forever be loved. Stay with Jesus, in His Word, in community at a Bible-believing church. Open your eyes to every single blessing around you. Write it all down. The sunshine, the birds, running water, a hug from a friend, spring tulips.

This too shall pass, this heartbreak.

There are far, far better days ahead.

And we rest assured in that beautiful fact because we are children of the Creator of the universe. The lover of our souls.

Our kind Shepherd will always lead us to green pastures.



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