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The Miracle of Little Things

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

After a day of work in the garden, I'm excited to get my camera out as the cloudy mist cloaks the sky of Calacali, Ecuador. The little details await.

I don't know when I first fell in love with macro photography. I think it's when I realized that those were the most beautiful shots I could take without being an expert. Turns out, expert or not, my favorite photos are of the up-close details of nature's wondrous beauty, complexity, and diversity.

When I say I'm an amateur photography, it's because I have a fancy Nikon DSLR camera but I mostly use the auto setting and use manual focus to get the focus of the photo just where I want it. I don't edit my photos. I just wait for that glorious morning or evening light that accentuates the tiny details in nature. I guess you could say I found my little niche of photography that I can't get enough of. If I'm in nature, especially a garden or forest, there is plenty for this 'little girl in the candy shop'.

All of this to say.... I find wonder and joy in the little things. Tiny dew drops on moss give me butterflies. Dew drops on anything is one of my most favorite things.

I love grandeur in nature, from snow capped mountains to vast deserts to endless seas, but it takes a little extra effort to notice and kneel down to admire a tiny mushroom growing on the side of a tree. There are so many of these little treasures everywhere to behold and spark wonder, if only we open our eyes to them.

The miracle of little things is that if we notice them for the beauty and blessing they bring to our day, we are practicing gratitude. Gratitude naturally makes us more content and at peace. Gratitude for the little things gives us life. We glorify the Creator of it all when we give Him thanks and enjoy. We can let the little things nourish our hearts. We can be encouraged that the beauty God infused into the world, and in us, is a reflection of His nature.

This isn't just about dew drops on daisies. The little things could be your puppy's tail wagging, warm socks on a snowy day, sunlight streaming into your living room, a moment to soak in the sunshine, a word of encouragement from a friend, a smile, a hug.

Sometimes I really struggle with ignoring the little things of the present moment while letting my mind wander to wanting something different than what I already have and where I am right now.

But then God helps me open my eyes to His glory in this moment...............................with dew drops on daisies.

I look around and God's little miracles are everywhere.

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